Tyrone Singletary '06 and Shane Redman '10 can’t recall exactly when they first met, but they say their friendship grew organically through a shared passion for photography and active involvement in the National Pan-Hellenic Council at Old ֱ University.
Redman, a government contractor based in Alexandria, Virginia, recalls first seeing Singletary perform as a new member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. on the steps of Webb Student Center.
“It was the first neophyte presentation I had ever seen,” said Redman, who has a bachelor’s in information technology. “There were songs, chants, stepping and more. I didn't know Tyrone before, but he was the first on his line and made an impression.”
Redman joined Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., and he and Singletary often found themselves at the same events, cameras in hand. “After college, we both connected even more over photography,” Redman said.
In 2017, they started RSWeddings, LLC, shooting family portraits, headshots and, of course, weddings. Singletary, a patent examiner based in Woodbridge, Virginia, said with their respective families and jobs, their photography business requires a lot of time management, but they make it work. They have an easy rapport, Singletary said.
“We know each other so well and have worked together for so long that it is like a walk in the park,” he said.
Singletary, whose bachelor’s is in mechanical engineering technology, said his friend epitomizes what it means to be of great character: trustworthy, honest, kind and loyal. “He'll give you the clothes off his back in a heartbeat and the knowledge he possesses is unmatched.”
Redman said Singletary is genuine and always tells it like it is. “Tyrone has always been the life of the party. He is fun to be around and wise beyond his years,” Redman said. “His friendship has been a gift, and (it’s) a blessing to witness his growth from college to an amazing family man.”
The attributes they admire most in each other:
Singletary: Whether it be video games, sports, work, tech, or just life in general, he always has knowledge of something and that is greatly appreciated.
Redman: Tyrone's wisdom, knowledge and perspective on life.
The moment they realized they were best friends:
The realization came when they were photographing their first wedding in 2014. Both mumbled through "Stayin’ Alive" by the Bee Gees because neither one completely knew the words.
Singletary: We hear each other completely fumbling over the words, looked at each other and immediately busted out laughing.
Fondest ODU memory:
Singletary: Activity Hour was one of the best times to catch up with friends, whether it be for lunch or just to socialize. Since it was on Tuesdays and Thursdays, you always saved your best outfit for those days. And Homecoming is something I look forward to every year. Getting back to campus, to see all the changes, take part in various Homecoming events and of course seeing all my old friends that I haven't seen in years is always a great feeling.
Redman: Honestly, I can't really point to one memory and call it the fondest. You kind of just laugh with your friend and enjoy the good times. Then one day you stop and realize you've been laughing for 15 to 20 years.
The last time they saw each other and under what circumstances:
As photography business partners, they see each other often.
How they’ve maintained their friendship over the years:
Redman: We chat daily and are invested in each other's futures and families. I'm the godfather to Tyrone's children and love them dearly.
Singletary: Video games, talking daily, our photography business and him being my kids’ godfather.