Gina Boyd '09 and Lisa Stork '09 didn’t meet until their senior year, but when they did, they became a force to be reckoned with.

“We met in Carla Harrell's Advanced Public Speaking class. We also had a crisis communication class, taught by Burton St. John III,” said Boyd, a senior recruiter at RSM US, LLP In Norfolk. “We would pair up on projects together and always aimed for the best grade.”

Both earned their bachelor’s degrees in communications in 2009. Stork says Boyd is the most supportive and caring person she knows. “She has the biggest heart and is someone I can always depend on to be a constant in my life,” Stork said.

Boyd says Stork is someone who goes above and beyond to help those who matter in her life. “Although she has a quiet and unassuming demeanor, once she opens her heart to you, you will always get the best of her,” Boyd said.

Sharing a laugh even during the most challenging of times is a hallmark of their friendship, they said, and recently they marked another milestone: the birth of Stork’s first child, a little boy named Quinn.

“I am thrilled to welcome another Monarch to the fam!” said Boyd, who co-hosted Stork's baby shower last spring.

two women stand next to each other
Gina Boyd '09, left, and Lisa Stork '09 on Stork's wedding day in 2015. (Courtesy photos)

The attributes they admire most in each other:

Boyd: Lisa is open, nonjudgmental, smart, dedicated, generous and extremely intentional in everything she does. I love that she is so considerate and kindhearted. She is seriously one of the best humans I know.

Stork: I admire Gina's resiliency, empathy, honesty and loyalty the most in our friendship. I have watched her overcome obstacles, show the greatest love and understanding, and provide support and honesty when it's needed the most.

The moment they realized they were best friends:

Boyd: I suffer from slight obsessive-compulsive disorder and at times have difficulty making choices, especially when it comes to small/insignificant purchases. The summer after we graduated, Lisa and I were at Barnes & Noble with her boyfriend at the time. I wanted to buy a new planner and was having a hard time deciding. I felt embarrassed and silly for taking too long. I told Lisa we could just forget about it; I would look another time. Lisa noticed I was out of sorts. She said, “No way! Let’s look at them together and I will help you decide. He can wait while we look. We will find you the right one!” Her understanding and patient demeanor is what shifted my perception of Lisa. I knew then she would accept me no matter what.

Stork: There are so many amazing moments that define our friendship. For me, it was simply sitting in a Panera Bread during our college years and talking for hours upon hours. Since then, every time we get together, it feels like we never have enough time to get through everything we want to discuss.

Fondest ODU memory:

Boyd: We loved grabbing a latte at Borjo in between classes and enjoying a tasty meal at Perfectly Frank.

Stork: Studying together at the library and regularly getting coffee at Borjo, which started our coffee obsession, and eating a delicious meal at Perfectly Frank!

How they’ve maintained their friendship over the years:

Boyd: After college we trained together for half marathons. Even after we stopped training, we made a point every weekend to run or walk and then get coffee. Through the years life has gotten busier and we’ve added significant others and children to the mix. We talk daily on Google Chat, whether it's to say hi or wish each other a great day, vent about work and life, or inform each other of new lipsticks or products to try. We are still very much connected and have perpetual inside jokes.

Stork: Regular communication even when we have lived far part, choosing to make time for one another even in the busiest times in our lives, and just checking in on each other regularly. Taking the time to laugh and enjoy each other’s company.