Assistant Professor
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering

Logan Beaver

NORFOLK, 23529


Slightam, J. E.., Steyer, A. J.., Beaver, L. and Young, C. C.. (2025). An Approach to Realize Generalized Optimal Motion Primitives Using Physics Informed Neural Networks. ASME Letters in Dynamic Systems and Control 5 (2).
Beaver, L. (2024). Optimal control of differentially flat systems is surprisingly easy. Automatica.
Beaver, L. (2024). Learning a Tracking Controller for Rolling $\mu$bots. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters.
Beaver, L. (2022). Constraint-Driven Optimal Control of Multiagent Systems: A Highway Platooning Case Study. IEEE Control Systems Letters.
Beaver, L. (2021). An overview on optimal flocking. Annual Reviews in Control.
Malikopoulos, A. A.., Beaver, L. and Chremos, I. Vasileios. (2021). Optimal time trajectory and coordination for connected and automated vehicles. Automatica 125 , pp. 109469.
Beaver, L. and Malikopoulos, A. A.. (2020). An energy-optimal framework for assignment and trajectory generation in teams of autonomous agents. Systems and Control Letters 138 , pp. 104670.

Conference Proceeding

Jang, K., Vinitsky, E., Chalaki, B., Remer, B., Beaver, L., Malikopoulos, A. A.. and Bayen, A. (2019). Simulation to Scaled City: Zero-Shot Policy Transfer for Traffic Control via Autonomous Vehicles Proceedings of the 10th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (pp. 291-300) ACM.